
TUESDAY TIPS: 15 shortcuts to supercharge your Excel efficiency

While I’m no shortcut absolutist, I do know that you can greatly improve your financial modelling efficiency by learning a few shortcuts by heart. I have compiled a list of my top 15 shortcuts – if you master these, you will increase your Excel speed exponentially.

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TUESDAY TIPS: Using Excel’s Camera functionality to create live snapshots

The Camera functionality in Excel allows you to take a snapshot of a section in your Excel file and paste it elsewhere as a live picture. The pasted picture remains linked to the source data, which means that it is continuously updated.

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The Lesser Spotted Styles Manager

The Styles Manager allows you to save pre-defined styles in the back-end of an Excel file, enabling any user of the file to access and apply consistent styles across the workbook.

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TUESDAY TIPS: Using Paste Special to scale values or change sign

While the Paste Special function in Excel is widely used to paste only selected properties of a copied range, this menu offers some powerful additional functionality. In this post, we discuss how to use Paste Special to scale numbers or change sign.

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TUESDAY TIPS: Using Excel’s New Window functionality to view sheets side-by-side

This functionality does exactly what it says on the tin: it opens an additional ‘window’ into your Excel workbook. This allows you to look at different sections / sheets in the same file simultaneously.

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How not to Excel: an Introduction

For the inaugural edition of the Near Future #VALUE series, we’ve consulted our little black book and compiled a list of our least favourite Excel practices. Some of these are obvious transgressions while others might be more contentious.

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